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Cunsultancy services

Futarque offers consultancy services for companies that are entering into the digital TV world.

As the Internet, Digital TV-transmission and other distribution forms converge new markets and opportunities emerges.

In a turbulent environment like this the need often arises for knowledge transfer in the form of consultancy to get understanding fast and efficient.

In many cases Futarque can help companies to clarify their needs and new role. We can also help exploit a new position very fast.

It is Futarques philosophy to exploit new markets and opportunities together with our partners, in a revenue sharing model. In this way we are all aiming at the same target raising the chances for success.

The fact that all functions are performed in-house the speed and accuracy is greatly improved. The advanced CAD systems are used to integrate the electronics and mechanics to avoid the time consuming task of trial and error normally encountered in the integration process. In many cases we do however work closely together with our customers mechanical design departments in order to follow certain aesthetical brand design lines.